Monday, February 06, 2012

Buying the Right Drums and Cymbals

Some professionals contend that any drum can sound good, while others are extremely picky about what they will play on. For your purposes, just about any drum or cymbal that is in good condition will do. You can use your ears when deciding. If the drum or cymbal doesn't have a tone that is pleasing to you, try something else.

Who to Buy From
The most respected drum manufacturers today are Ludwig, Tama, Pearl, Yamaha, Drum Workshop (DW), Gretsch, Slingerland, Premier, Sonor, Noble & Cooley, and Remo. Ayotte and Peavey are growing companies, and there are vintage drums, such as Rogers and Leedy, still being sold today. You can't go wrong with any of these given companies.

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