Monday, February 06, 2012

Why Take Up Drumming?

I got this from a book that my dad bought me when I was a beginner in playing drums and I'm going to share it to you. Maybe these 10 reasons can persuade you that drumming is interesting.

Top 10 Reasons
to Take Up Drumming
  1. No one can rock out like a drummer.
  2. Schlepping your gear from gig to gig is cheaper then a membership to a gym, and it is and even better workout.
  3. Percussion is a vital element of every music style-from rock and blues to R&B to Caribbean.
  4. Good drumming has always been the hallmark of hit songs.
  5. You have always had great rhythm and musical interest, and now you want to put it to some good use.
  6. Drumming will sharpen your concentration and hone your listening skills.
  7. You don't need a Ph.D. in music theory to play the drums.
  8. Drumming relieves stress and allows you to explore creative expression.
  9. Practicing the drums will help you to develop your sense of time and reflexes.
  10. Drummers are the heartbeat of any band.

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