Thursday, February 09, 2012

Sticks, Brushes, and Mallets

This will be the main thing that you will use while drumming. There are many varieties and models available. Where to buy? The respected companies are Vic Firth and Regal Tip, but Promark, Zildjian, and Vater also make reputable sticks. A good pair of sticks should be pitch-matched. When each stick has the same pitch, the sound would be more consistent and equal.

They also come in different shapes and sizes and are produced by several different companies. Make sure you buy retractable brushes, brushes that can be drawn back into the shaft. Brushes are rarely used.

Similar to drum sticks, but the head is soft and rounded. They also come in many shapes and sizes. I refer Vic Firth and Musser to be the respected producer of quality mallets. Mallets are rarely used when playing drums like the brushes.

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